Mango &

Mango 'Carrie' (Mangifera indica)

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Carrie Mango might ring a bell for anyone familiar with mango plant varieties in South Florida. This mango variety originates from Boynton Beach! Most Florida mango varieties are hybrids of Indian mango types and the Southeast Asian mango types, which are carefully bred to thrive in hot and humid growing conditions.

Mango trees are popular trees in the home landscape, with distinct ripples of glossy evergreen foliage. Mango trees will produce reliably for years, growing into rounded dense trees with plenty of shade. They need room to grow, with average tree height falling anywhere between 30 and 60 feet high.

New growth on the Carrie Mango appears as an otherworldly red-purple. The Carrie Mango is distinct from other mango varieties that blush and deepen with orange and red skin. Instead, this fruit ripens to a slightly yellow-green color. A cut into the fruit reveals a rich, orange flesh with a distinctly spicy aroma and flavor that is unlike other mangoes.  

Plant Type: 
Tropical / Subtropical Evergreen Fruit Tree

Harvest Season: 
Late-Spring to Late-Summer, depending on variety

In the early spring, Mangifera indica blossoms with clusters of flower spikes, and fruits mature over a matter of months, giving way to delicious juicy oblong fruits just in time for summer. 

Mature Size: 
The mature size of a mango tree really depends on the variety of mango. Dwarf Mango varieties (aka condo mangoes like our Pickering Mango) can be dwarfed in planters and max out at around 6-10 feet, whereas some mango varieties reach upwards of 20-40 ft tall. A mango tree's canopy spread will be almost as wide as the height of the tree. 

Soil & Moisture: 
Mango trees prefer neutral to slightly acidic soil that is well-draining, rocky, sandy, high, and dry. It requires moderate moisture throughout the year with more watering throughout flowering and fruiting season and less during the winter. Mango trees will generally grow well in many soil types as long as there is good drainage.

Light Requirements: 
Full Sun


Growth Rate: 

Zone Hardiness: 
Outdoors 9-11 (with frost protection until established); Patio/Greenhouse 4+

There is some slight variation of cold tolerance depending on variety. Dwarf varieties of mango trees are really well-suited for containers and can easily be brought indoors during the winter.

Large Pot Size: Grafted and capable to produce within 1-3 years.
X-Large Pot Size: Grafted and capable to produce within 1 year.

See More: 
Shop all of our Mango tree varieties.

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