Kiwano, Yellow Round (Cucumis metuliferus)
This is the extremely unique yellow version of our favorite melon, the Orange Kiwano! When ripe, the round yellow fruit is about 3” in diameter. The cucumberesque flesh is juicy, sweet and delicious with a flavor that is often compared to banana and lemon. Mature vines reach 5 to 10 feet and may be trellis-grown. This little yellow fella is supremely unique, totally cute and just plain fun!
Plant Type:
Annual Fruiting Vine
Harvest Season:
Kiwano fruits 4 months from seed.
Soil & Moisture:
Rich, well-draining soil with slight acidity
Light Requirements:
Full Sun
Growth Rate:
Both Orange and Yellow Kiwano are fast growers
Zone Hardiness:
Outdoors 10-11 with frost protection; Patio/Greenhouse 4+
Our Kiwano plants are annual fruiting vines grown from seed and capable of producing fruit within this season.