Yellow Jaboticaba (Myrciaria glazioviana cabeluda)
Myrciaria glazioviana cabeluda is a rare tropical fruit tree native to Brazil.
The Yellow Jaboticaba fruit boasts a flavor reminiscent of perfectly-ripened apricots. Related to the Blue Grape and Jabuticaba, the Yellow Jabuticaba stands out from the crowd. Juicy, tangy, sweet and aromatic, these gumball-sized Brazilian bites are a rare find. You can find them under several names including Cabelluda and cabeludinha as well, and when you find them, consider yourself lucky!
A perfect healthy treat for any garden, whether rocking its potential 20 ft. canopy or a tiny pot pruned for an urban space, these easy-maintenance tropical trees are worth obsessing over.
Plant Type:
Tropical / Subtropical Evergreen Fruit Tree
Harvest Season:
Spring, Summer
Mature Size:
10-12 ft
Due to their unique shrubby and branchy growing habit and short stature, Jabuticaba trees are an excellent specimen for Bonsai!
Soil & Moisture:
Rich, moist well-drained soil, and humid conditions similar to their native areas tropical and subtropical regions.
Light Requirements:
Full Sun, Part Shade
Growth Rate:
Zone Hardiness:
Outdoors 9-11 with frost protection; Patio/Greenhouse 4+
Our Jabuticaba is grown from seed, capable of producion within 3-8 years, depending on variety

Wondering about your USDA Growing Zone and what you can grow? 🌎🌿 Learn how to find your Zone and grow tropical plants anywhere—Florida to Alaska! 👉 Read the full blog here!
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