Fig 'Violete de Bordeaux' (Ficus carica)
The signature makings of the common fig meet purple-prose embellishments in the Violete de Bordeaux Fig (Ficus carica, Beer's Black, Negronne Fig).
Violete de Bordeaux is a very low-maintenance, cold hardy, easy to grow deciduous fruit tree. It produces small to medium-sized figs with very sweet and delicious flavor. The extravagant purple fruits of Violete de Bordeaux Fig burst with a deep saturated red color and rich, cinnamon-like flavor. Unlike some fig tree types, Violete de Bordeaux Fig is adapted to tolerate more warmth than usual. Some think that additional exposure to warmth makes for the best fruits.
Fig trees grow shallow, fibrous roots that can grow wide in diameter if space allows. The Violete de Bordeaux Fig Tree is a dwarf variety of fig and has a mature height and width of 6 to 10 feet.
Fig trees require deep watering, and soil that has plenty of drainage and nutrients. This tree needs plenty of warmth and sunlight during the growing season, and a controlled climate once temperatures drop for the winter. In exchange for good care, you can enjoy a fig’s lobey-leafy company for years to come — Some varieties live as long as 200 years.
Plant Type:
Deciduous Fruit Tree
Harvest Season:
Spring, Summer, Fall
The first crop (breba) of fig fruit will ripen in late May through June, followed by the main crop will come in September through November.
Mature Size:
Fig trees grow up to 6-20 ft tall and wide, depending on variety. Growing fig trees in containers is quite easy, provided the roots have enough room to expand, and can also be pruned for bonsai or espalier. Fig trees go dormant and shed their leaves in the winter. This is an ideal time to prune.
Soil & Moisture:
Rich, moist, well-draining soil.
Light Requirements:
Full Sun, Part Shade
Fig trees also make really great houseplants indoors as long as they can get enough bright light.
Growth Rate:
Zone Hardiness:
Outdoors 6-11; Patio/Greenhouse 4+.
Cold hardiness depends on variety.
Our Fig trees are grown from cutting or micro-propagation and are capable of fruiting within 1 or 2 years.
See More:
We carry several different varieties of figs, all with their own unique flavors and features. Shop our Fig Trees.

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