Jackfruit Seedling (Artocarpus heterophyllus)
Giant, Versatile Fruit Tree
Common Names: Jackfruit, Jakfruit, Nangka
Family: Moraceae
Origin: South and Southeast Asia
The Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) is a tropical tree known for producing the largest fruit of any tree, weighing up to 100 pounds or more. Native to South and Southeast Asia, Jackfruit trees are highly prized for their fruit, which has a unique texture and sweet, tropical flavor. The tree is an excellent addition to tropical and subtropical gardens, growing quickly and producing abundant fruit within a few years. Jackfruit seedlings are a great way to start growing this versatile and nutritious fruit, which can be eaten fresh, cooked, or used as a meat substitute in plant-based diets.
Distinctive Features, Uses, and Nutritional Value
Fruit: The Jackfruit produces massive, oblong fruits covered in a spiky green or yellow rind. Inside, the sweet, golden-yellow flesh is divided into pods that are rich in flavor and can be eaten fresh, cooked in savory dishes, or used in desserts. Young, unripe jackfruit is often used as a plant-based meat alternative due to its texture and ability to absorb flavors. Jackfruit is highly nutritious, providing significant amounts of vitamin C, potassium, and dietary fiber.
Foliage: The tree has large, glossy green leaves that provide shade and create a lush, tropical appearance.
Growth Habit: Jackfruit trees can grow up to 80 feet tall in ideal conditions but are usually pruned to a manageable height of 20-30 feet in home gardens. The tree grows quickly, and seedlings can begin fruiting within 3-5 years under optimal conditions.
Culinary and Medicinal Uses
Jackfruit is incredibly versatile in the kitchen. The ripe fruit is sweet and fragrant, often compared to a mix of pineapple, banana, and mango. It is eaten fresh or used in desserts, smoothies, and jams. The young, unripe fruit is a popular meat substitute in vegan and vegetarian dishes due to its fibrous texture. It is commonly used in curries, tacos, and sandwiches. In traditional medicine, various parts of the jackfruit tree are used for their anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, and the seeds can be boiled or roasted and eaten as a snack.
Plant Type:
Tropical Evergreen Fruit Tree
Harvest Season:
Spring, Summer
Soil & Moisture:
Moist, rich, well-draining soil. Likes humid, tropical conditions and are very sensitive to drought and frost
Light Requirements:
Full Sun
Growth Rate:
Zone Hardiness:
Outdoors 9-11 with frost protection; Patio/Greenhouse 4+
Our Jackfruit is grown from seed and graft and are capable of production with 3-4 years.

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