Pigeon Pea, Red (Cajanus cajan)
This tropical legume is famous and loved in Caribbean cuisine and beyond. Pigeon pea is grown widely throughout the tropics and subtropics as a perennial evergreen and nitrogen fixer that provides protein rich peas.
Pigeon Pea is a hardy and versatile tree/shrub that can grow in a wide range of low fertility soils and soil textures and will reach about 6ft tall, 3ft wide. Pollinators love the very attractive bright yellow-orange unique pea flowers.
Peas are super nutritious and full of protein! They have a nutty taste/texture and can be harvested 5-8 months after planting. Pigeon pea improves soil content and soil structure, is ideal for 'chop and drop' mulching, and when planted close together quickly forms a thick hedge or living wall for a perfect natural windbreak. Pigeon Pea is one of our favorite fast growing, drought resistant, extremely versatile permaculture plant.