Bat Guano 7-3-1 Organic Fertilizer, 2lb

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2 lb. Box

The undisputed champion of organic fertilizers, Bat Guano is rich in readily available nitrogen, phosphorus and micronutrients and provides essential plant nutrition for vigorous vegetative growth and early fruit and flower development. Bat Guano is fast acting and highly effective when mixed into potting mediums, applied as a side dress or steeped to make a potent guano tea or foliar spray. Water soluble. Amazing fertilizer for both early and mid-season booster applications.

OMRI Listed (Organic Materials Review Institute)
CDFA Listed (Registered Organic Input Material)

    Our Plantable Coconut Coir & Peat Pots are 100% biodegradable, compostable and can be planted directly in the soil! Our Nursery & Citrapots are recyclable and reusable!

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    in Plantable Pots

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