large cluster of light yellow-green and deep pink Florida Rose Blueberries against dark green leaves

Blueberry 'Florida Rose' (Vaccinium ashei)

Regular price $19.95
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22 in stock

Pot Size

‘Florida Rose’ is a highly photogenic, uniquely delicious rabbiteye blueberry variety with beautiful fruit that are bright pink to red in color!  

Compared to other pink rabbiteye varieties, ‘Florida Rose’ has a lower chilling requirement, making it possible and ideal to grow in warmer climates like Florida! Commercial varieties like ‘Pink Lemonade’ do not receive enough chill hours in warmer region, making ‘Florida Rose’ a great option for Florida and California growers.

Plant Type: 
Perennial Fruiting Shrub

Harvest Season: 
Spring - Summer for Sweetcrisp, Native Florida, and Sunshine Blue varieties

Mature Size: 
1-6 ft.

Soil & Moisture: 
Rich, well-draining, acidic soil. Loves coffee grounds and pine bark (finely milled) to help with drainage and acidity.

Light Requirements:
Full Sun, Part Shade for higher production. Blueberries grow natively in the shade.


Growth Rate:

Zone Hardiness: 
Outdoors 5-10; Patio/Greenhouse 4+

Our blueberries are grown from tissue culture, capable of fruiting within growing season. 

See More:
Shop all of our Low-Chill Blueberry varieties 

Our Plantable Coconut Coir & Peat Pots are 100% biodegradable, compostable and can be planted directly in the soil! Our Nursery & Citrapots are recyclable and reusable!

Plants Shipped
in Plantable Pots

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