Kei Apple (Dovyalis caffra)
The rare Kei Apple is a small yellow fruit with an unexpectedly mighty flavor! The Kei Apple is native to the Kei River area of southwest Africa and abundant in the wild around the eastern Cape, Kaffraria and Natal. It is also known as Umqokolo. Kei Apple's highly aromatic golden plum-like fruit vary in flavor from extremely acidic to sweet-tart with tangy with fruity notes reminiscent of mango, starfruit, and apricot and has a high juice content.
Kei Apple plants grow dense and wide. This hardy perennial can be shaped into shrubs or small trees and thrive in various subtropical climates with sandy to saline soil. Kei Apple plants are drought tolerant! The plants form dense thorny thickets and are commonly used as hedges and living fences in their native environments.
Plant Type:
Tropical / Subtropical Evergreen Fruit Tree
Harvest Season:
Summer, Fall. Generally, plants bloom in the spring and fruit ripens from August to October.
Mature Size:
Up to 30 ft tall with a spread of up to 25 ft wide but can easily be pruned to smaller sizes.
Soil & Moisture:
Drought tolerant! Rich, fertile, well-draining, sandy soil.
Light Requirements:
Full Sun, Part Shade
No. Male and female trees are needed for pollination in order to set fruit. Plant three or more to increase the chances of having both male and female trees.
Growth Rate:
Fast, Medium
Zone Hardiness:
Outdoors 9-11 with frost protection while young (can handle light frost and temperatures down to 24 degrees once established); Patio/Greenhouse 4+
Our Kei Apple is grown from seed and capable to bear fruit within 3 years.