Growing Guide: Everglades Tomato

Plant Type: 
Short-Lived Perennial Fruiting Shrub/Vine

Everglades Tomato can be grown as an annual in colder climates.

Harvest Season: 
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter

Fruits prolifically 30-60 days after planting.

Mature Size: 
Up to 3-6 ft tall and wide

Soil & Moisture: 
Rich, well-draining soil. Likes a lot of water (every 1-3 days) but be careful not to overwater. 

Light Requirements: 
Full Sun, Part Shade


Growth Rate: 
Very Fast, Fast

Zone Hardiness: 
Outdoors 9-11 (frost protection until established); Patio/Greenhouse 4+


Plant in the spring or summer in cooler climates

Medium Pot Size: Grown from seed and capable to produce within 30-60 days.