Growing Guide: Arrowroot

Plant Type:
Perennial Deciduous Herb 

Harvest Season:
After 10-12 months of humid weather, when the leaves begin to fall and the root is thick with starch

Mature Size:
Up to 5’ tall

Soil & Moisture:
Likes consistently moist, well-drained soil and high humidity conditions. Arrowroot isn't super picky about soil conditions as long as it is well-draining and never totally dries out.  Avoid dense clays or super sandy soil to prevent Arrowroots growth from stunting.

Light Requirements:
Full Sun, Part Shade

Will tolerate higher light in lower temperatures


Growth Rate: 

Our Arrowroot plants are grown by root division and will be ready to harvest within 1-2 growing seasons. 

Zone Hardiness: 
Outdoors 9-12 with frost protection; Patio/Greenhouse 4+