Growing Guide: Star Fruit, Bilimbi

Plant Type:
Tropical / Subtropical Evergreen Fruit Tree

Harvest Season:
Winter, Spring, Year-round
Star fruit and Bilimbi will bloom and fruit throughout most of the year, but will prominently flower from late Spring to Fall and fruit Winter through Spring.

Mature Size:
7-30 ft

Soil & Moisture:
Well-drained, high fertility and good moisture-holding capacity; High nitrogen demands. Regular watering throughout the first year and throughout flowering and fruiting season.

Light Requirements:
Full Sun, Part Shade, Shade
Prefers part shade or filtered light but will thrive in a variety of light conditions from full sun to shade.


Growth Rate:

Zone Hardiness:
Outdoors 9-11; Patio/Greenhouse 4+
Star Fruit and Bilimbi are both easy to grow in a container and can thrive in a large pot. In the colder months, until well-established, Star Fruit and Bilimbi trees may lose their leaves, so they could be overwintered indoors if temperatures reach below freezing.  Prune trees in late winter.

Large Pot Size: Grafted and capable of harvest within 1-2 years.
X-Large Pot Size: Grafted and capable of harvest within 1 year.

See More:
Sow Exotic offers many different unique varieties of Star Fruit! 
Shop all of our Star Fruit varieties! 
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